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COST Action IS0907 1st Call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

We would like to invite calls for applications from individuals who are interested in advancing scientific knowledge about the ways of improving maternity provision and outcomes for mothers, babies and families across Europe. The focus is on understanding what works, for who and in what circumstances, and on identifying and learning from the best in this area. More information about the action can be found at 1st Call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) THE APPLICANT The applicant could be a masters or a PhD student, someone who already has a masters or a doctorate, or a staff member in a public or private institution. They must be located in a COST country that is participating in the Action (please see the url above for details). They must be planning to undertake the STSM in a host institution based in COST country that is taking part in the Action (and not in their home country). STSM grantees must make their own arrangements for all health, social, personal security and pension matters. HOME & HOST INSTITUTION The home and the host institution can be organisations in either the public or private sector. An STSM may only be approved from a home institution in a COST country of the Action to a host institution in a different COST county of the Action. The applicant must obtain the agreement of the host institution, before submitting the STSM application. DURATION: There is a minimum duration of 5 working days for the proposed STSM. The maximum is usually up to around three months. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: The financial support provided by the STSM scheme is intended to cover a part, but not necessarily all, of the costs of the proposed visit. The financial contribution for a STSM will be a fixed grant based on the applicant’s budget request and the evaluation of the application by the STSM assessment committee. However the total amount requested per STSM shall not exceed 1000 euros. Advance payment is not possible. REGISTRATION & DEADLINES The applicant must use the on-line registration tool: to submit their application. The following information has to be provided: · Applicants data; name, work place, address etc. · The planned dates and duration of the STSM · Information about the proposed STSM: title, short description, etc. · A short CV · A requested budget · Bank details A formal STSM application has also be downloaded and sent by e-mail to the STSM co-ordinator of the action (Marlene Sinclair) via Marie-Clare Balaam ( The applicant must also send: · CV · A letter of financial support from the home institute (if applicable) · A letter of acceptance from the host institute of the STSM THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF THE APPLICATION IS 17TH DECEMBER 2010 17:00hours GMT You will be notified of the outcome of your application by 24th January 2011. AFTER THE STSM IS COMPLETED STSM SCIENTIFIC REPORT Within 4 weeks of the completion of the STSM the grantee is required to submit to the host institution, and to the STSM coordinator, a short scientific report with the following information: Purpose of the STSM Description of the work carried out during the STSM Description of the main obtained results Future collaboration with host institute (if applicable) Future publications (if applicable) Confirmation by the host institute of the successful execution of the STSM Other comments (if any) Marlene Sinclair (STSM coordinator of the COST Action IS0907)

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