The main aim of the DMRS is to provide a platform for dissemination of maternal and child health research (ideally but not exclusively) at pre and post-doctoral level. It is an open resource of support and information for all childbirth researchers from every nationality and country in the world.
Who funds the DMRS?
The DMRS is funded by the Health and Social Care Research & Development (HSC R&D) Division of the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland.
Format of meetings
The DMRS meets every year and the meetings are usually organized in the following manner:
0900 - 1300 hours
Introduction and update on research from the President
Professorial keynote on a specific research method
pre-doctoral research presentations
post-doctoral presentations
social media research update / presentation
PPI representative presentation
Parent presentation
Funding opportunities from the R&D Office
Policy briefing (when possible)
1400- 1545
The afternoon session will usually be a research workshop with members of PPI groups, students, politicians and researchers.

Annual events
Annual Calendar events (open and free to the public) include:
The annual Spotlight on Breastfeeding Research (usually first Friday in November)
World Birth Defects Day 3 March
Fetal Alcohol Awareness Day 9th September every year
Additional events may be organized. Members will be sent email alerts to identify events that the DMRS will be contributing to, such as world awareness or research days.
Full membership of the Society is normally available to all registered, certified or licenced midwives, nurse-midwives, obstetric nurses, medical and allied health professional staff from within higher education and practice development who hold a doctoral degree or are currently studying towards a doctoral degree from any institution worldwide. However, others involved in childbirth research are encouraged to apply for full memberhsip and each application will be considered on an individual basis.
Associate and Affiliated memberships are also available.
The Doctoral Midwifery Research Society (DMRS) has been founded by Ireland’s first Professor of Midwifery Research, Professor Marlene Sinclair, at Ulster University, Northern Ireland and is currently funded by the Northern Ireland Public Health Agency HSC/R&D Office
Membership benefits
Free attendance at all meetings
Email alerts
Networking opportunities including social media
Access to keynote lectures and presentations (YouTube)
Presenters have fast tracking access to publications in The Royal College of Midwives, Evidence Based Midwifery Journal
All members will be able to access all published papers in EBM
Opportunities to present your research by poster or oral presentation
Webinars will also be offered